
Refugee Resettlement Data

A plot I made for the UNHCR dataset for refugee movement across nations in the last 5 decades. Dissatisfied with the available heatmaps, I designed my own visualisation suite to tackle such data.

Dual Heatmap

A visualisation I designed for the nature of anomalies shown as time-series.

In blue one I show the positive events where the residual is greater than than zero. Similarly in red I show the negative events.

The numbers denote the frequency of such events in the hour.

Nested Chronodex Graphic

The plot below is inspired from a chronodex plot, where I added extra rings to show the scale and count of the positive/negative events. Everything is depicted as a time series on a weekly basis with a hour granularity.

Refugee Resettlement Data

The movie below is an excerpt of my analysis of the publicly available Uppsala conflict data (Gleditsch et al. 2002) and UNHCR data on refugee resettlement. The aim was to find overlap in the conflict regions and resettlement movement. The movie below shows the conflict regions and resettlement for a single year: 1990.
