Data Science

data scientist at GLS

Currently I am working as a Specialist Data Scientist for GLS, as a part of their digital transformation journey.

data scientist at CINECA

From Sep. 2020 - Jan. 2023, I worked as a Data Scientist in the HPC division at CINECA, Bologna. Below are few of the projects where I was involved:

1. Hail prediction for farmers in the Valencia region in Spain, part of the EU CYBELE project.

2. Federated Learning for the EU projects focused on genomics ('GenoMed4All'), and the response to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic ('Orchestra').

3. Predicting Solar Flare re-connection as a part of the AIDA consortium.

4. Conducting courses on ML and AI

Sometimes I write articles on Data Science in my free time on Medium.

data scientist at omegalambdatec

From Sep. 2018 - Sep, 2019 I worked as a data scientist at OmegaLambdaTec, a startup of astrophysicists who turned their attention to solving the problems 'here and now'. I worked on wide range of topics using an even wider range of techniques as listed below.

Combining Machine Learning with physical algorithms, I devised an algorithm that could correct itself in order to yield the best predictions. The algorithm was adapted to a wide range of use-cases and also won us a podium position at one of the hackathons.

I worked on various forms of multivariate optimisation problems. Using physical problem decomposition techniques, we constructed robust mathematical models and implemented them in fast algorithms drawing from our high performance computing experience.

I enjoyed designing custom data and algorithm visualisation for our clients.  I often created my own modules using the matplotlib and seaborn libraries in Python.

Signal Decompostion

I worked on dis-aggregating signals with the aim of predictive maintenance and monitoring. We combined an analytical pre-processing step with a  sophisticated machine learning algorithm to yield best results.